authors-text blog number 5
Months Aint No Sentence
text and the entire series from
it is archived can be found at:
[authors-blog will post two long texts per month
and is reading
digital manuscripts for future posting
send texts to
peter ganick
inflammatory meanf poetic corn glue
vat serh one carrife janu continu
ard nationalist in time of th lepft
pages which pa technology demands
unemployment surreal propagand and
inflam traumatizec bourt po dog
dist ga idiose expression free was
not associa marg volu te newspake
streets move assaplax educ signific
credentials wag in who pop to toe
on tu were in iconic clashes pant
that at movements mo
decorative argue
taking a rebe develo
approa substarn
futurism wot futuris
at its coven woul
repla industry at
speed only hygierne
destroy Fasci Futu
but the moti pure
vortex mod maximu We
intention square tobacococo
move to a burned down
ritual staged eccentric
created on billboard agains
the felt cult reawaken
re methoo emergir charge
violence at instructio
anarchis diagrarr indiffere
happening chart genera belo
sift shift shaft
lift loft left
if it at
fit fast fuss
flit flash fuse
it as us
sift lift if
shift loft it
shaft left at
fit flit it
fast flash as
fuss fuse us
happening chart genera belo inflammatory
meanf poetic corn glue futurism
wot futuris futurism wot futuris
anarchis diagrarr indiffere vat serh
one carrife janu continu violence
at instructio ard nationalist in
time of th lepft at
its coven woul approa substarn
re methoo emergir charge pages
which pa technology demands the
felt cult reawaken unemployment surreal
propagand and repla industry at
taking a rebe develo created
on billboard agains inflam traumatizec
bourt po dog speed only
hygierne decorative argue ritual staged
eccentric dist ga idiose expression
free was destroy Fasci Futu
that at movements mo move
to a burned down not
associa marg volu te newspake
intention square tobacococo streets move
assaplax educ signific but the
moti pure on tu were
in iconic clashes pant vortex
mod maximu We credentials wag
in who pop to toe
be tambourine happening chart
genera belo inflammatory which
maracas meanf poetic corn
glue futurism include skull
wot futuris futurism wot
futuris university kazoo anarchis
diagrarr indiffere vat serh
being collator one carrife
janu continu violence did
since at instructio ard
nationalist in suggested worker
time of th lepft
at start fuck its
coven woul approa substarn
thru fuck re methoo
emergir charge pages volume
ends which pa technology
demands the dedication all
felt cult reawaken unemployment
surreal over anarchism propagand
and repla industry at
tennis shoes taking a
rebe develo created civil
disobedience on billboard agains
inflam traumatizec camping out
bourt po dog speed
only Egyptian symbolism hygierne
decorative argue ritual staged
room voice eccentric dist
ga idiose expression inside
second free was destroy
Fasci Futu repaired relates
that at movements mo
move madman shaggy to
a burned down not
considered notice associa marg
volu te newspake knows
deity intention square tobacococo
streets move dark window
assaplax educ signific but
the childrens avenue moti
pure on tu were
except leased in iconic
clashes pant vortex contemporary
nothing mod maximu We
credentials wag broadside original
in who pop to toe
Ed Sanders -- "The culture of the
Lower East Side—with its very affordable, rent controlled apartments—and the
general affordability of the larger culture opened up great vistas of
possibility. I realized that the Nation’s future was “up for grabs,” as if some
Deity had tossed a cultural basketball up for many millions to seize and
dribble toward their home hoop. Hence my adoption of the phrase “Total Assault
on the Culture,” inspired by William Burroughs. The daily flow of news affected
our art, and I have tried to bring some of the details of the broader political
reality into the tapestry of recollection. Some could isolate themselves from
it, but the news of the war in Southeast Asia, for instance, was an incessant
drum beat jarring our concentration on Beauty and Creativity, beginning around
the fall of 1963 and lasting through the decade and beyond."
John Sinclair -- Our program is Cultural
Revolution through a total assault on the culture, which makes us use every
tool, every energy and any media we can get our collective hands on. We take
our program with us everywhere we go and use any means necessary to expose
people to it. (1968)
Jeff A. Hale, from The White Panthers'
Total Assault On The Culture
National events, such as the expansion
and convergence of the New Left, Black Power, anti-war, and counterculture revolts
into a single "Movement" for radical social change, also played a
role in the increasing politicization of Trans-Love Energies. By virtue of
their national underground newspaper connections, as well as their extensive
touring with the MC-5, Sinclair and his cadre were better informed than more
isolated counterculture groups about the Movement's increasing resistance to
the establishment. Detroit's Fifth Estate, along with the Ann Arbor-based TLE
papers Sun and Argus, gave extensive coverage to Black Panther shoot-outs with
police, campus revolts, and the increasing numbers of street battles between
police and "freeks" which were happening across the country. The
importance of this process cannot be overstated, as members of Detroit's hip
community would now begin relating the events in their lives (such as drug
usage/acceptance, alternative institution building, and deteriorating police
relations) with similar developments in other hip communities across the U.S.
The national "underground" media network, a first-of-its-kind
phenomenon, would become a catalyst for the future merging of radical
Sinclair came away from the Chicago
debacle convinced of two things. First, the police responded vastly out of
proportion to any real threat posed by the gathering of "freeks," New
Leftists, anti-war activists, Black Power supporters, and others. For Sinclair,
this meant that the Movement -- including the counterculture -- would have to
get politically organized for self- defense purposes or face repression by law
enforcement agencies. Secondly, after experiencing the Yippies' less than
prolific organizational skills, Sinclair became convinced that Trans-Love
Energies possessed the requisite organization, experience, and popular
following to present a viable model for politicizing the youth culture on a
national scale. The creation of the "White Panther Party" as the
political wing of TLE, formally announced on November 1, 1968, represented the
culmination of these "lessons."
Jim Leftwich
2 hrs
fit flit it
fast flash as
fuss fuse us
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Seen by 8
John M. Bennett likes this.
John M. Bennett
nod off flag
sore pole drip
slept half thought
46 mins · Unlike · 2
Jim Leftwich
nod score slipped
off pile half
flog drop thought
44 mins · Like
birthplace of sind grrrrrr wot
roll small towr managememe glue
futurism include skull futuris futurism
wot underlying the corrosive steam,
futuris university kazoo anarchis useful
mint-these diagrarr indiffere vat
serh Coltrane culture grad on
maracas meanf poetic corn, it
who so expres corn, be
tambourine happening chart wavered prome
amein genera belo inflammatory which
political recouin at start fuck its
the grou countercultu coven woul
approa substarnallure the levels
being collator one
carrife weather
and other
janu continu violence
did unprecedented natic since
at instructio ard dedicatas reforn
nationalist in suggested worker
historiographical progress
time of th lepft Detroit
time nationalist at did janu
and useful carrife being
approa of thin instructio
unprecedented continue other
th suggested ard natic lepft
workshope too many dope felt
cult reawaken unemployment knot conte
utter surreal over anarchism propagand
nation attending the making and
repla industry at church reg
cultune demands the dedication all
close po under toe thru
fuck re methoo Bolshevile naatte
emergir charge pages volume credentials
bat batch ends which pa
technology chanb offense status po
Sunday-dominant campus disobedience on
billboard agains org services
purp cou tribal
inflam traumatizec
out society
alternativ feeling soggy
eve bourt po dog
speed around simulta airplane listeners
only Egyptian symbolism hygierne
energies such against
reason decorative
ritual staged
workshoe afterwand want
tennis shoes taking a
soon the possib spoon rebe
develo created civil scope
assaplax educ signific but considered
notice associa marg streets
move dark window
volu te
knows the
childrens avenue moti
a burned down not
deity intention square tobacococo deity
pure on tu were
move madman shaggy
to intention
tobacococo in
who pop to
toe room voice eccentric
dist except leased in iconic
that at movements mo
credentials wag broadside
original ga
expression inside
nothing mod maximu
We second free was
destroy clashes pant vortex
contemporary Fasci Futu repaired relates
assaplax educ signific but considered
notice associa marg streets
move dark window
woof fulk nquk woov volu te
woof fulk nquk woov newspake
woof fulk nquk woov knows the
childrens avenue moti
a burned down not
deity intention square tobacococo deity
pure on tu were
move madman shaggy
woof fulk nquk woov to intention
woof fulk nquk woov square
woof fulk nquk woov tobacococo in
who pop to
toe room voice eccentric
dist except leased in iconic
that at movements mo
credentials wag broadside
woof fulk nquk woov original ga
woof fulk nquk woov idiose
woof fulk nquk woov expression inside
nothing mod maximu
We second free was
destroy clashes pant vortex
contemporary Fasci Futu repaired relates
We second free was
destroy clashes pa
nt vortex contempo
rary Fasci Futu re
paired relates ass
aplax educ signifi
c but considered n
otice associa marg
streets move d ark
window woof fulk n
quk woov woof fulk
nquk wo ov volu te
woof fulk nquk woo
v newspake woof fu
lk nquk woov knows
the childrens aven
ue mo ti woof fulk
nquk woov a burned
down not deity int
ention square toba
cococo de ity pure
on tu were move ma
dman shaggy woof f
ulk nquk woov woof
fulk nq uk woov to
intention woof ful
k nquk woov square
woof fulk nquk woo
v tobacococo in wh
o pop to woof fulk
nquk woov toe room
voice eccentric di
st except leased i
n iconic that at m
ovements mo creden
tials wag broadsid
e woof fulk nquk w
oov woof fulk nquk
woov original ga w
oof fulk nquk woov
idiose woof fulk n
quk woov expressio
n inside nothing m
od maximu woof ful
k nquk woov od n q
maybe we should window woof
fulk n the moon emerged,
quk woov woof fulk with
box task tubes, tied nquk
wo ov volu te poem-harness
distinctive woof fulk nquk woo
vernacular-twice sincerity newspake woof
fu camera-marketing swan elk
nquk woov knows flesh-sale 9
the childrens aven falcon-grit
push ue mo ti woof
fulk negativity of haiku, nquk
woov a burned dawn drawn
down not deity int expansive
deeper red ention square toba
cow-spew percolated cococo de
ity pure into the mix
on tu were move ma
stylistics stirring strings dman shaggy
woof f screenjammedplatform milk bulk
nquk woov woof imaginary, sorted
mirrors, fulk nq uk woov
to Philadelphia, siblings, candor, intention
woof ful abuse the language
this monthk nquk woov square
before Whitman five-punk clear
woof fulk nquk woo past
emotic gorgeous very tobacococo in
wh purposely Beats playfulness, o
pop to woof fulk, gutty
thoughts the type, nquk woov
toe room newborn minute mortality,
voice eccentric di tht appreciat
he abou st except leased
i predecess professor, n iconic
that at m seven verbbo
unfilt ovements mo creden steep
even the steps tials wag
broadsid touch-the-clock e
woof fulk nquk w Dada
visions of Anonymous Oceans, oov
woof fulk nquk compounded absurdities
woov original ga w anti-spontaneous
hoof fulk nquk woov roots
explicitly echo, idiose woof fulk
n wide-eyed casual eyebrows
quk woov expressio jump-cut
verging rainn inside nothing m
hair stares handheld odd maximu
woof ful apartments, novels, capitalism
k nquk woov od n
q cutting and past We
second free was abundant typos,
destroy clashes pa swimming with
wild night vortex contempo invented
punctuation~!~rary Fasci Futu re
beautiful twittering creatures paired relates
ass writte with dots aplax
educ signifi nnnnot imagination, cut
but considered n direct experience
otice associa marg bad social
medicine streets move d ark
present with th otherwise narra
objectiv-apart war-euphemism
the misr wa forms enactr intent
and want, present the and want
narra present with th otherwise
war-euphemism objectiv-apart
intent the misr wa forms enactr
want and want, present the and
present the and narra present
wa forms enactr war-euphemism
objectiv-apart intent the misr
with th otherwise want and want,
present objectiv-the and
narra war-intent want
present wa objectiv-with
present narra present
the intent objectiv
and want-with
present with
th other
wise nar
ra objec
tiv apart
war euphem
ism the mis
r wa forms
intent and
want, present
the and want
narra pre
sent with th
ism object
ive apart
intent the
misr wa
forms enact
r want and
want, present
the and pre
sent wa forms
tent the mis
r with th
want and want,
misr wa present with
intent the th other
ive apart wise nar
ism object ra objec
war-euphem tiv apart
otherwise war euphem
sent with th ism the mis
narra pre r wa forms
the and want enactr
want, present intent and
want and want, forms enact
otherwise r want and
r with th want, present
tent the mis the and pre
apart-in sent wa forms
objectiv enactr
war-euphem war-euphem
want, present intent and n
arra pre r wa forms t enac
tr the and want enactr ten
t the mis the and pre is m
object ra objec want and w
ant, forms enact sent with
th ism the mis r with th w
ant, present war-euphem ti
v apart otherwise r want a
nd otherwise war euphem wa
war-euphem war-euphem misr
wa present with objectiv e
nactr intent the th oth er
apart-in sent wa forms ive
apart wise nar the and wan
apart wise nar the and wanwant,
present intent and napart-in
sent wa forms ivearra
pre r wa
forms t
nactr intent
the th oth
ertr the and want
enactr tenwa present with objectiv
et the mis the
and pre is
mwar-euphem war-euphem
misrobject ra objec want and
wnd otherwise war euphem
waant, forms enact
sent with
otherwise rwant
ath ism the
mis r with th
want, present war-euphem tiant,
present war-euphem ti
experience conve everybody-soon real
yet have abbreviations
on a couple of chairs
yet have abbreviations appears
on a couple of chairs strangers
disconcertir yet have abbreviations
available on a couple of chairs
operating system yet have abbreviations appears
desktop on a couple of chairs strangers
disconcertir yet have abbreviations interpre
available on a couple of chairs dialogue
available on a couple of
disconcertir yet have abbreviations disconcertir
yet have abbreviations chairs dialogue
experience available on a couple
of chairs on a couple
of chairs strangers conve operating
system yet have abbreviations appears
yet have abbreviations appears desktop
on a couple of chairs
strangers on a couple of
chairs everybody-soon real disconcertir
yet have abbreviations interpre yet
have abbreviations experience yet on
chairs never available on a
couple of disconcertir yet have
abbreviations disconcertir chairs never yet
have abbreviations chairs dialogue chairs
never experience available on a
couple of chairs on a
couple chairs never of chairs
strangers conve operating chairs never
system yet have abbreviations appears
yet have abbreviations appears desktop
chairs never on a couple
of chairs chairs never strangers
on a couple of chairs everybody
-soon real disconcertir chairs never
yet have abbreviations interpre yet
chairs never have abbreviations experience
yet on chairs couple abbreviations
couple of chairs on a
couple chairs never o
f chairs strangers co
nve operating ch airs
have abbreviations ex
perience yet on never
system yet have abbre
never experience avai
lable on aviations ap
pears yet have abbrev
iations appears deskt
op yet have abbreviat
ions appears deskt op
chairs never on a cou
ple of chairs strange
rs conve operating of
chairs chairs never s
trangers of chairs on
a couple have abbrevi
ations chairs dialogu
e chairs on a cou ple
of chairs everybody-s
oon real disconcertir
chairs never abbrevia
tions disconcertir ch
airs never yet yet ha
ve abbreviations inte
rpre yet couple of di
sconcertir yet have c
hairs never have abbr
eviations expe rience
yet on cha irs couple
abb reviations chairs
never availa ble on a
experience conve ever
ybody-soon real yet h
ave abbreviations int
erpre yet yet have ab
breviations on a coup
le of chairs chairs e
verybody-soon real di
sconcertir yet have a
bbreviations app ears
on a couple of chairs
strangers strangers o
n a couple of disconc
ertir yet have abbrev
iations on a couple o
f chairs available on
a couple of chairs op
erating system yet ha
ve abbreviations appe
ars system yet have a
bbreviations ap pears
desktop on a couple o
f chairs strangers ex
perience available on
a couple disconcertir
yet have abbreviation
s interpre yet have a
bbreviations chairs d
ialogue avai lable on
a couple of chairs di
alogue disconcertir y
et have abbreviations
disconcertir availabl
e on a couplcouple of
consist of their micro "The"
an American fork, the old such.
such tooth devout in the biblic.
there was a rela parallel Hoot,
many oth probab p,
letters near failed results.
dism wori 63 prematurely mimeo
over a srhima devilishish.
eschews chews is to choose.
consist of their micro "The"
an American fork, the old such.
the st.S 19 sunbox at ale dry O
such tooth devout in the biblic.
co-cres aArc podedicat conta art.
there was a rela parallel Hoot,
many oth probab p, booklets,
letters near failed results.
if the f "If" , whicl bwante w
dism wori 63 prematurely mimeo
over a srhima devilishish. wher
periodica press his liminal same,
eschews chews is to choose.
Demolishi hands consist of their
micro "The" orl ever savior,
an American fork, the old
such. becoming intuiti goo, the
st.S 19 sunbox at ale
dry O name where bes
such tooth devout in the
biblic. by ov or by
co-cres aArc podedicat conta
art. sun-chren there was
a rela parallel Hoot, nes,
P off rer, how, many
oth probab p, booklets, sid
my good disclosing letters near
failed results. if they hide,
benign, if the f "If" ,
whicl bwante w put the
war kitchen dism wori 63
prematurely mimeo knock even th
knows over a srhima devilishish.
wher self-employn reav year
periodica press his liminal same,
red or the h old
jo eschews chews is to choose.
John Bennett
3:09 PM (18 minutes ago)
to bennett.23, bcc: me
the soaping crowd
baby in the furnace was
your teeth apoclyp chambir
coffee sliced the baby
campus cast the teeth
your social skin under
mire the prison skin your
trigger snake was sound
or sausage will the baby
dance I frozen shimmer
slice the smugness upper
management iratecated in
heritance the baby ex
plores your digital fur
nace exexplained the
folding chair was radical
measurment hand made
bomb was baby pene
trate the public metric
written was it written
finger lined up to bom
b the baby contaminated
all the eaten rules the
codes ignited teeth were
will socks the baby’s
cred ignited teething
abyss vocabulary shadow
attacks the mirror attacked
will mirror the page be
lief or baby thrashes
through the rising sea
le ,see n
Flickering through
Jim Leftwich’s
Six months Aint No
Sentence, Book 73, 2014
baby your coffee Demolishi hands consist
of their
campus your mire micro "The"
orl ever savior,
trigger or dance an American fork, the
slice management heritance such. becoming
intuiti goo, the
plores nace folding st.S 19 sunbox at ale
measurment bomb trate dry O name where
written finger b such tooth devout in the
all codes will biblic. by ov or by
cred abyss attacks co-cres aArc podedicat
will lief through art. sun-chren there was
John Bennett
bark wall clouds bark
wall clouds bark wall
clouds bark wall clouds
bark wall clouds bark
meat mist clouds
bark wall clouds bark
wall clouds bark wall
clouds bark wall clouds
bark wall clouds bark
7 words from Ivan
Virgilianae”, i-iv, 2014
bark wall clouds a rela
parallel Hoot, nes, wall clouds
bark P off rer, how,
many clouds bark wall oth
probab p, booklets, sid meat
mist meat my good disclosing
letters near mist meat mist
failed results. if they hide,
clouds wall bark benign, if
the f "If" , bark clouds
wall whicl bwante w put
the wall bark clouds war
kitchen dism wori 63 meat
mist meat prematurely mimeo knock
even th mist meat mist
knows over a srhima devilishish.
knows even mist kitchen the
wall the over th meat
dism wall whicl f
bark bwante bark
knows wall dism bark
even the wall bwante
mist over whicl bark
kitchen th f bark bark
Bidle/Jim Leftwich Collaboration
ripe Age he's all friend the
flock range my time my fork
flies silence boyskunk pluck
etc that ne the assumed writes
archaic forktime on the camp
legs between continuous universe
horse flaming wheels next jelly
misinterpreted the prind paccord
etc that ne the assumed writes
archaic forktime on the camp
states to paper extrere nothings
legs between continuous universe
horse flaming wheels next jelly
which has the small thus crits
flourished but misinterpreted the prind
paccord little what even etc
that ne the assumed writes
sweet twice red archaic forktime
on the camp remember the
gold states to paper extrere
nothings the same paradox legs
between continuous universe hour-strong
close horse flaming wheels next
jelly twenty-five primary which
has the small thus crits
text-heat standa flourished but misinterpreted
the prind every gasoline flux
many has the small
thus crits expressed
sing coherent
little what
even etc grac
ph ou mater real
that ne the assumed writes
improvise articulate design sweet twice red
archaic forktime calcu despite th
po jelly twenty-five
primary which wond
unsurc pa-a
on the
camp remember the
undersst idea was far
gold states to paper extrere
authentic copies ephemeral nothings the same
paradox legs wheel grease staples
torn close horse flaming
wheels next furniture
detached conditic
continuous universe
hour-strong stainless
ph ou mater real
that ne the assu
med w rites even
etc grac improvi
se articulate de
sign sweet twice
red little w hat
archaic forktime
calcu despite th
paccord po jelly
twenty-five sing
coherent primary
wh ich wond thus
crits expre ssed
unsurc pa-a many
has the small wo
rld the prind ev
ery gasoline flu
x text-heat stan
da flourished bu
t misinterpreted
on the camp reme
mber the hour-st
rong stainless u
ndersst idea was
far continuous u
niverse gold sta
tes to paper ext
rere between aut
hentic copies ep
hemeral nothings
the same detache
d conditic parad
ox legs wheel gr
ease staples tor
n close horse fl
aming wheels nex
t furniture sign
ease staples tor archaic
forktime hemeral nothings calcu
despite th rong stainless
u paccord po jelly
ox legs wheel gr
twenty-five sing far
continuous u red little
w hat da flourished
bu coherent primary on
the camp reme wh
ich wond thus n
close horse fl se
articulate dehentic copies ep
sign sweet twice d
conditic parad crits expre
ssed niverse gold sta
etc grac improvirere between
aut unsurc pa-a
many the same detache
med w rites even
t misinterpreted has the
small womber the hourst
rld the prind ev
tes to paper ext
ery gasoline flu aming
wheels nex that ne
the assundersst idea was
x text-heat stan
t furniture sign ph
ou mat er real
small womber the hourst close horse flse
conditic parad crits exprerld the prind
evaut unsurc pa-amed writes
eventes to paper extich
wond thus netc
grac improvirere
ssed niverse
gold stat misinterpreted
has the sign sweet
twice doumater real ease staples
tor archaic despite throng stainless wheels
nex that net furniture sign phu paccord
po jelly articulate dehentic copies epox
legs wheel grery gasoline flu
aming twenty-five sing
farx text-heat
stan continuous
red little
many the same
detachew hat da flourished
forktime hemeral nothings calcubu coherent
primary on the assundersst
idea was the
camp reme
po jelly articulate dehentic copies epox
camp reme legs wheel grery gasoline flu
eventes to paper extich aming twenty-five sing
twice text-heat doumater real ease staples farx
gold state misinterpreted stank continuous
grad improvirere cussed universe
has the sign sweet red little hen
the same wond thus not etc many
between detachew hat dada flourished
forktime hemeral nothings calcubu coherent
primary on the dumpster assundersst
evaut unsurc pa-armed writes idea was the
who small womber the hourst close horse flese
conditic parad crits exprerld the prind
tor archaic despite throng stainless wheels
nex that net furniture sign phu paccord
curved hook po jelly articulate
dehentic copies epox metal scan
hooks angle hook camp reme
legs wheel grery gasoline flu
single hook eventes to paper
extich aming twenty-five sing
pegboard locking almond pliers hook
holder twice text-heat doumater
real ease estate staplers farx
loop tool holder gold state
misinterpreted stank continuous double hook
grad improvirere cussed universe cube
bin literature slatwall shelf bracket
has the sign sweet red
little hen loop hook the
same wond thus not etc
many manly multiple tool holder
between datachew hat dada flourished
wire galvanized flat loop multiple
tool holder forktime hemeral nothings
calcubu coherent locking tab dimensions
primary on the dumpster assundersst
wire diameter click evaut unsurc
pa-armed writes idea was
the flip scan loop lip
liners grid magnetic molding who
small womber the hourst close
horse flese metal trailer hanger
conditic parad crits exprerld the
prind impact protection hardware torque
archaic despite throng stainless wheels
quick backduct power slat freestanding
signage nexus that net furniture
sign phu paccord curved dehentic
has the sign sweet red
little hen loop hook t
he bin literature slat
wall shelf bracket sam
e wond thus not etc gr
ad improvirere cusssed
universe cube many man
ly multiple tool holde
r misinterpreted stank
continuous double hook
between datachew hat d
ada flourished wire ga
lvanized flat loop mul
tiple loop tool holder
real ease estate stapl
ers farx gold state to
ol holder forktime hem
eral nothings holder t
wice text-heat doumate
r calcubu coherent loc
king tab dimensions pe
gboard lo cking almond
pliers hook extich ami
ng twenty-five sing pr
imary on thee dumpster
assundersst single hoo
k eventes to paper wir
e diameter click evaut
unsurc legs wheel grer
y gasoline flu pa-arme
d w rites idea was the
flip scan loop lip hoo
ks angle hook camp rem
e liners grid magnetic
molding who dehentic c
opies epox mettal scan
small womber the hours
t close curved hook po
jelly articulate horse
flese metal trailer ha
nger sign phu pacccord
curved dehentic condit
ic parad crits exprerl
d the signage nexus th
at net furniture prind
impact protection hard
ware torque quick back
duct power slat freest
anding archaic despite
throng stainless wheel
cheese, vegetables, has the sign
sweet red thin sections of
veneering he bin literature slat
golf leaf bond little hen
loop hookt animal glue pharoahs
laminat furnisb wall shelf
bracket same eyeballs into
eyesockets mad improvirere cusssed
glue gluing glue wond
thus not etc gr
milk, hide, bones, blood, universe
cube many mantra fish glue,
err misinterpreted stank egg whites,
literature, fully multiple tool holde
gelat extract hoofs continuous double
hook shadows shroud common presence
ada flourished wire gates protein
anima adhesive shoulders between datachew
hat during chemical curing chang
hat anima
ada hook
gelat lit
during ad
hesive flour
ished shadows
hat during anima ad
ada hesive hook flour
gelat ished lit shadows
extraordina square elvanized flat
loop mul self-taught forthcoming
overlooked real ease estate stapl
turbulent mysterious process tiple loop
tool holder one-time Matisse
speak of third ers farx
fragments poetic totem interrelated feral
nothings holder toegold state toe
temporal overall sculptural oil holder
forktime hem ham hymn hummmmmmmmmmm
forktime temporal nothings
fragments speak
tool turbulent
overlooked loop
dina square
mul real mysterious holder
pf poe
tic holder
hem tempor
al nothings
the distinguishes ask wince text-heat
documate feel/peel trainfuck king tab
dimensions pea message rightly orange calcubu
coherent locgic weapon salve bleeding seams
sandpaper ironingboard lo cking
almond fish hook revelation
phnang twenty-five sing
prakt knitting floor candle
wax pliers hook extich
amiss antithesis wrapped crop
amiss wax prakt phnang almond sandpaper
coherent dimensions documate the antithesis
many intanimary on thee dumpster
flourisbh bastion/scarcity assundersst single
hoot art trauma ark trumpekt
eventes toe pauper wire grass
eye-blitz histo-ex diameter
click evaut yr gleaned quandary
several gasoline flu pa-arme
ultracapitalizing resnowed unsurcge legs wheel
greyr moments magic memories must
themselves dare width rites idea
was the exploited 19th language
flip ocean scamp loop lip
hoot hooks recede hierarchizing morbidified
dangle hook camp crumb remembers
fluidity toe liners grid magnetic
threatening subject-manufacturing molding who
denistry dehentic resistand mode systeme
copies epox mettal scant cabdriver
Henry Chadwick small womber the
hours cut close curved hook
poetics scorecards bathing lineup jelly
articulate horse uniform grammar basepaths
innings fly ball incorrectly
fleese metal trailer hat
diamond commonly stranded baserunners
curved dehentic condite abbreviate
banger sign phume pacccord
banger sign phume pacccord Henry
Chadwick small womber the curved
dehentic condite abbreviate hour
s cut close curved hook inninngs
fly ball incorrectly innings fly
ball incorrectly diamond commonl
y stranded baserunners poetics s
core cards bat hing lineup jelly
fleese metal trailer hat articul
ate horse uniform grammar basepa
ths banger Chadwick dehentic scu
will bbounda aspic parad crits
arn que god the
digital at net
furniture prind signage nexus that
negotiate perspective impact
protection hard
further decades ourselves
seminal entryways duct
power slat
freest ware torque
quick back
specific how myself (find) throng
wheel of that (has)
branding archaic despite
branding zine wheel stainless
specific quick freest power
seminal flat further projection
perspective hard decades duck
redacted will bbounda aspic parad
crits one line, out
of form, branding
archaic despite
wanted conceptual
exprerl hurdle cards
house-ephemera zine perfect
eclectic arn que god the
dis condu ruins pop-shift
stale leeks new furnished
digital at net
one, spoon,
prind signage
nexus that memories
writing plans wheel of
that (has) individual print telepho
negotiate perspective impact result of
gazelle-9 hurry stainless
nights crowded, remember,
protection hard
flour who
further decades ourselves
6-longer resist flat
visual semigloss avalanche seminal entryways
duct, it was a young
world, specific how myself
(find) throng satin
eggplant impact
slat desire
to matriculate read
freest ware torque comb
corn fox warp quick back
corn freest to slat power eggplant.
foxware matriculate desire impacts throng specific.
warp torque read satin how?
back comb myself a young avalanche.
powerless subjecthood fitting redacted will
bbounda aspic parad filters fanasize
externalization crits one line,
out distort contradictions fashion of
form, branding inflate subversive mundane
archaic despite furniture on fire,
letters locate teeth, void sizzling
bitter lab wanted conceptual quantity
encounters design, exprerl hurdle cards
alternative islands constellate, house-ephemera
zine perfect lang eat releva
knee, eclectic arn que god
the lifelore contemport disconduit ruins
pop-shift goldfinch newt-collective
potentially stale leeks new furnished
allover apricot mind, digital at
net the nethe, the netherlano,
with texas, one, spoon, "repetition
of popcorn" furniture moderated critique
of post-history, prind signage
trajectory survives the new canon,
nexus that memories the secc
pea inst intine, writing plans
wheel of the outside the
actual that (has) individual print
telepho enduring ensuing commons negotiate
perspective impact result of east-glass
parakeet, gazelle-9 hurry stainless
horses, advent of happy realities,
nights crowded, remember, violin-sharp
habits, protection hard bracelet food
container scrrew-top grocery store
four functional found focus flour
who further rub stories and
cheese layers melted decades ourselves
6-longer resist the permanent
revolution, flat visual absurd intrigue
flirts semigloss avalanche seminal entryways
commodity, pink duct damages vulnerable
desires, it was a young
world, invitation to swim the
wayward specific, how myself (find)
throng satin along the severed
requirements, eggplant impact endors third-sock
seven power existed exits of
autumn, slat desire aromatic professist
bonfire, to matriculate read certain
footballs from the 1930s, freest
ware torque comb overlaps similarity
college, corn emotional fox biography
warp connection quick level feels
back sentences back sentences back.
either helpe atmospheric winds ov
tepid glach ice this ice groits
Phillipines low-lying 2 thousand,
before it migbh contine separat
splat term iti uncertainti those
centuries sea-level irreversible.
recombinant backbone practitioner Phillipines
low-lying 2 thousand,
rorv disciqp ppract before
it migbh contine separat
household infrastructures splat term
iti uncertainti those experiential
discourse tepid glach ice
this ice groits disclose
foreclosure episodes centuries sea-level
irreversible epicenter offering either
helpe atmospheric winds ov
repet re sise the thei recombinant
backbone practitioner Phillipines des staf
apartmeme mixtu low-lying
2 thousand, inside
Sisyphus mapmakers
built bronze
birds pragmatic hegemon
anarchy irreversible epicenter offering
either pivotal stimulus-response resistance
helpe atmospheric winds ov
chot bental fod,
rorv disciqp
before strategy
pre-existing throwing
olfactory egg-saga skeptics
this ice groits disclose foreclosure
episodes centuries sea-level
residentiad maintenance reax
it migbh
separat Temple
Homonym-Nineteen discourse
tepid glach ice laws
of transnational housing, household infrastructures
splat term econom unsoap
third-floor iti
uncertainti those
experiential uncertainti third-splat
of tepid Homonym-Separat contine
it residentiad episodes this olfactory
but almost write to felt
about repet re sise the
thei recombinant easily was different
and crucial, ppract for screeching
madly late backbone practitioner Phillipines
des staf yet working on
1969 what has a culture
of childhood, rorv disciqp these
particulars which new such apartmeme
mixtu low-lying facts herd
parts to be, chot bental
fod, others in I only
2 thousand, inside why what
and its details are, helpe
atmospheric winds ov experiential before
strategy contact always overlaps the
blue, either pivotal stimulus-response
resistance the story didn't care
how it came about, anarchy
irreversible epicenter offering was who
knows maybe personal, birds pragmatic
hegemon uncertainti those pre-existing
throwing who were never as
alien as the boat era,
built bronze interaction-seams are
people, testify knot-mysteries of
was, Sisyphus mapmakers separat Temple
Homonym-Nineteen discourse third-floor
iti olfactory egg-saga skeptics
splat term econom unsoap this
ice groits disclose foreclosure tepid
glach ice laws contine episodes
centuries sea-level residentiad maintenance
reax of transnational housing, household
infrastructures it migbh reax centuries
throwing alien built people, was,
Homonym-Iti splat
ice glach centuries reax
mixtu low-lying facts herd
parts to be, chot bental f
od, others in I only parti
culars which new such apar
tmeme of childhood, rorv d
isciqp these 2 thousand, i
nside why what and its det
ails are, helpe 1969 wheat
has a culture atmosp heric
winds ov experiential befo
re des staf yet working on
strategy contact always ov
erlaps the madly late back
bone practitioner Phillipi
nes blue, either pivotal s
timulus-response and cruci
al, ppract for screec hing
resistance the story didn'
t care thei recombinant ea
sily was different howl it
came about, anarchy irreve
rsible epicenter offe ring
was who about repet re sis
e the knows maybe personal
, birds pragmatic but almo
st write to felt hegemon u
ncertainti those pre-exist
ing infrastructures it mig
bh reax centuries throwing
who were never as relax of
transnational housing, hou
sehold centuries sea-level
residentiad maintenance al
ien as the boat era, built
bronze interaction-seams a
re people, testify knot-my
steries of glach ice claws
contine episodes was, Sisy
phus mapmakers separat Tem
ple Homonym-Nineteen disco
urse third-floor ice groit
s disclose foreclosure tep
id ziti olfactory egg-saga
skeptics splat term econom
has winds, re- unsoap this
persp hurl exchete should values
shoul exist features feathers
purp the idea that a currency
fork democrati expando deficix
wout eat as each purpo taxi beak
"hat without a patch" populisk
good gove precisely fice the
throat-yurt storm of a futurist
anarchism combing the streets
into a dark alley, bucolic feet
destruction is the very meaning
of desire, between time and the
question the night has adopted
found film nuclear motif, every
day components, escalation
powerless firebombing immediate,
persisted atomic annihilation,
battles traced throughout
invoked approximation, entirt
dharma dirt-damage, missive-reap
geological erasure, loss gaps
trauma marks shifting identity,
ruins to explore the construction
of memory, witch hunt horse-guts
"political shoe" flat bottles
skipping code, seven moderations
interpretive dance-hagiography
repetition chin-else perch-square,
sit in a crowded restrict and
never think in-line possibilities
range nor establishment sheets
say the same thing, dismantled,
not not being being in controls.
non-violent ethereal spore-body dharma
dirt-damage, missive-reap what
encouragement constitutes the perfume
of words, invoked
approximation, entirt
unending geological
erasure, loss gaps
erotic mushroom dishes trauma
marks shifting identity, knits
heretical enhouse ruins to explore the
construction accelerate redistrii togetheac turbone
perforkmance battles traced throughout
gardens of professist
sapphire of
witch hunt
horse-guts formal
electrical infinities "political shoe"
flat bottles the re-er
relationship formula noun-emotions persisted atomic
annihilation, oe new meaniir are
a im format to
de onto deem
toad detoad
firebombing immediate,
careen musters obtain
day components, escalation proof-burner
either/them skipping code, seven
moderations multi-layered national qualia, found
dichotomies film juxtaposes nuclear motif,
every croft and fire from the
university, question the night has
adopted with symbolic culinary
breeding interpretive dance-hagiography
eat minds from
experimental laboratories
perch-square, seven-week
interdependent survival sit in
a crowded restrict and boiler
room planetary fungus never think in-line
possibilities public utility utility destruction
is the very meaning
trophy/hydrant of
desire, between
and the
soil-eggs glaze
discipline range nor establishment
sheets border zones monster entanglement
into a dark alley, bucolic feet
illusionary raw vitality statistical diets
say the same thing,
dismantled, self-provocative
training anarchism
the streets
beets enlightened rain
furs chalice not not
being being in controls blends
stark pre-cambrian condiments persp hurl
exchete should values workers embrace
contaminated etymologies throat-yurt
storm of a
futurist industrial
podiatrist, shoul
exist features feathers
rule-change companies reject
giant religions purp the idea
that a currency mathematical sketch-archive
good gove precisely fice the
reprema feltt kide rexis
fork democrati expando
deficix pataphysics
much too
pilgrim existens wout
eat as each purpo
taxi beak flat underwater mainfold
quake rigor "hat without a patch" populisk
glag audiend College of Results
presid throug proces anc Built.
The Golden Thumb of The Final Evening.
oppose goose contradi although
poemfork capitalism the very persuade.
conservative toad-tendon
unicorn cat-lung pizza actions.
contradictory shadows
the inspired geometry.
pinstriped motorcycles
of nonmateriality
misleading ourselves to fetish
no helpful commonalities
among themselves!
partic ten-year interre.
one d.
strategic dire Heap.
curp capacte.
in further strength of its lo.
in curp strategic nev. res one partic
homepage if you facebook upload
up for real tweet demand if you
a few things spread the word in
volved created activists meanwh
ile hundreds demand would destr
oy hundreds of tomorrow dear ji
a window survivors act is socia
l security click here states le
gal ceremony benefits the socia
l introduced why just one probl
em in the event from, universal
universally programs our social
thank you show unfortunately has we
have but our cannot thank last year
, ours other no one fighting this i
s services passage "they are refuse
to negotiate" the quality while Jim
see what else take your job
unsubscribe edit create vie
w Danville Engineering Inst
ructor Roanoke Public Daily
Simply Simply now> Danville
universally programs our socialile hundreds
demand would destream in the
event from, universalloy hundreds of
tomorrow dear jiructor Roanoke Public
Daily a window survivors act
is socia see what else
take your jobl security click
here states les services passage
"they are refuse gale ceremony"
benefits the socia have but
our cannot thank last yearl
introduced why just one problw
Danville Engineering Inst thank you
show unfortunately has we Simply
Simply now> Danville homepage if
you facebook upload unsubscribe edit
create vie up for real
"tweet demand if you to
negotiate" the quality while Jim
a few things spread the
word in, ours other no
one fighting this i volved
created activists meanwh vertigo ruthenium
decomposition tarnish configuration "they
are refuse gale ceremony" large-scale dec
aying extraction bene fits the socia have
but decay thermal isotopes resistance her
e states les services passage fission ato
mic seven temperatures corrosion take you
r jobl security c lick arc-welding sponge
our cannot thank last yearl technetium el
ectron half-life is socia see what else i
ndustrial powder chloride intr oduced why
just one problw hydrogen precipitation ox
ide volatile molten Danville Engin eering
Inst thank you pyroxenite America abundan
t Daily a window survivors act water-solu
ble gold processing show unfortunately ha
s we Simply niobium outermost atypical to
morrow dear jiructor Roanoke Public solve
nts separated sodium dissolution Simply n
ow> Danville homepage if the primary deca
y half-lives radioisotopes demand would d
estream in the stable isotopes supercondu
ctive event from, universalloy hundreds o
f found in platinum the primary decay uni
versally programs our socia lile hundreds
alkene monoxide redox analogue you facebo
ok upload unsubscribe edit derivatives co
ordination organometallic create vie up f
or real contaminants fingerprints hydroly
sis microscopy created activists meanwh v
ertigo ruthenium visual catalysts abs orb
facilities one fighting this involved pol
ymer oxidation precursor "tweet demand if
you to magnetoresistive vapor absor ption
word in, ours other no discrepancy dissol
ving discovery a few things spread the su
peralloys bismuth coatings consumption ne
gotiate" the quality while Jim decomposit
examples of Marinetti's Inst thank
you pyroxenite America abundan form
factors t Daily a window
survivors act water-solu an
aggressive ble gold processing show
unfortunately ha who reminds s
we Simply niobium outermost atypical
to the permission morrow dear
jiructor Roanoke Public solve to
work nts separated sodium dissolution
Simply n automotive sculpture, ow>
Danville homepage if the primary
deca hither obstacle y half-lives
radioisotopes demand would d Universe,
as estream in the stable
isotopes supercondu the current ctive
event from, universalloy hundreds o
perhaps that f found in
platinum the primary decay uni
though carried versally programs our
socia lile hundreds in a
museum alkene monoxide redox analogue
you facebo draws on ok
upload unsubscribe edit derivatives co
the ensemble's ordination organometallic create
vie up f creates change,
or real contaminants fingerprints hydroly
that the Futurists sis microscopy
created activists meanwh v movements,
including ertigo ruthenium visual catalysts
abs orb are influenced facilities
one fighting this involved pol
performers who ymer oxidation precursor
"tweet demand if standing active"
you to magnetoresistive vapor absor
ption visited reconstructing word in,
ours other no discrepancy dissol
develop a new ving discovery
a few things spread the
su manuscripts, this peralloys bismuth
coatings consumption "ne than we
gotiate" the quality while Jim
decomposit than the decomposition tarnish
configuration "they and so, are
refuse gale ceremony" large-scale
dec works, aying extraction bene
fits the socia have easy
for but decay thermal isotopes
resistance her the poems e
states les services passage fission
ato writings, in mic seven
temperatures corrosion take you architecture
and r jobl security c
lick arc-welding sponge paintings
full our cannot thank last
yearl technetium el unique forms
ectron half-life is socia
see what else i the
exhibition, ndustrial powder chloride intr
oduced why display cases, just
one problw hydrogen precipitation ox
publications, and ide volatile molten
Danville Engin eering examples you
factors toe Daily at window
examples of Marinetti's Ins
titute thank you pyroxenite
America abundance from form
unfortunately hat who
reminds snow survivor
s act water-solus ant
aggressive bible gold
processing showshadow
toe the permission marrow
dear we Simply niobium
outermost atypical jiructor Roanoke
Public solve olive toe
Public outermost dear toe
solve atypical we the
olive jiructor Simply
Simply nose automotive
sculpture, owl work gn
ats separated sodium d
issolution Danville ho
mepage if the primmary
decal hither obstacle my
half-lives radioisotopes
demand would
Universes, as
eye-stream in
the stable
isotopes superconduit the
current active
that fumes
found in event
from, universalloy
hundreds oak
platinum the primary decay
units though carried versa
lly programs our social li
lies hundreds in arch each
lies ally units platinum
the thought programs hundreds
in our carrion primary
arch social versus decay
you faceboot draws on hook
museum alkene monoxide red
ox analogue upload unsubsc
ribe edit derivatives cone
vie up fort creates
change, the ensembl
es ordination organ
ometallic create or
real contaminants f
ingerprints hydroly
strings conceal that the Futurists sister
microscopy criticism and totality created
activists meanwhile verbal movements, nothing
but coal including vertigo ruthenium
visual catalysts game-machine circuits
rour equi tabs orb
are influenced facilities chess
master smoke tone fighting
this involved pole nestled
interior tuned performers who
polymer oxidation precursor fire
historical progress "tweet demand if
standing active" novelty since thinking
you to magnetoresistive vapor absorb
malaise negative hypnagogic unleashed adoption
visited reconstructing word in, garage
ours other no discrepancy dissole
who own all infrastructure develop
a new ving discovery applications
and storage a few things
spread the public non-profit
foundation text ours who at
suit manuscripts, this peralloys bismuth
exploiting resources coatings consumption "need
than we proposed populations goatiate"
the quality while Jim many
socitie segments suit exploiting than
decomposit than the decomposition
tarnish indigenous oppressed configuration
"they and so, are
paradox perpetuates refuse gale
ceremony" large-scale escaped
destruction intervention decomposit tarnish
decut works, aying extraction
bene "shadow text" fits
the socia have easy
"public inventory management" fourks
but decay thermal isotopes
"memo execu mem" decut
resistance hear the poems efforte
revealing job-norm states less
services passage fission and the
remains the the true detective
gato writings, in mice seven
temperatures corrosion take your
architecture at at democracy %
and reald jobl security
coats fast-food solidarity
workers lick arc-welding
sponge paintings mutuality fate
catching sausage cardstock tongue
full our cannot thank last rot
disintegrates editors yearl technetium eel
unique forms vegetables, cheese, electron
half-life is social fruits,
chocolate, sausage, lard, freedom, cologne
see what else i see
the poems gradually terrain reckless
exhibition, endustrial powder chloride intrude
geometric putrefy produced why display
cases, endgame, monstrously, just birdseed
one problew hydrogen precipitation
ox vehicle sequence publications,
and ideal volatile molten
juxtaposed, constellate Danville Engine
eering examples you shuffled
loose communities bulk Duchamp
who quantity is people bou med
in cthroug work adverts acqu,
that stark power equals quanti
collab worbk metacranking the
tabloid copies, circulations
work doom about conse spices
chain in the china chain milk
chain in the china chain milk
we snow in becore where the
eye could reap. storage was a
reminder of organic lesions,
closely to say rot foodstuffs
either decay or collectibles
gelatin. ephemeral neighbors
are infested with an intangible
60s plexiglas stinking vanilla.
Also, in 2006, we borrowed a copy of a
poetry journal that Roth made for a show at the museum called "Eye on Europe."
The pages of the journal were clear plastic envelopes on which text was
printed, and these pages were filled with a combination of vanilla pudding and
minced mutton, and the smell of the thing was so terrible that we essentially
had to isolate it in its vitrine. So there are certainly things that do have
tremendously stinky afterlives—there's just no way around it—though once you
get them under Plexiglas you can't really smell it. --Sarah Suzuki
phone lines 10 thousand who
quantity is people bou med
huge impossible emails in cthroug
work adverts acqu, mesmerizing doubleedged
imperfections 60s plexiglas stinking vanilla
bombshell demographics that stark power
equals quantity six-year corporate
elite pollution are infested with
an intangible monday triangular objections
collab worbk metacranking the burden
entire social tabloid copies, circulations
recycling postal sources work
doom about conse spices thursday
unveiled ribbon-congress gelatin ephemeral
neighbors carrot apparel shower gel
chain in the china chain
milk project chef coordinator systemic
roanoke either decay or collectibles
squirrel thermos bulk combined chain
in the china chain milk
household retroactively weekends we snow
in becore where the outreach
clumsiness management-trap eye could
reap storage was a silicon
essential brush-orb furs reminder
of organic lesions, eclipsed strategic
beholden closely to say rot foodstuffs.
beholden of essential reap clumsiness in household
in squirrel roanoke milk
disneyland lawnmower work adverts acqu,
mesmerizing doubleedged incide surely
histo imperfections 60s plexiglas stinking
vanilla marl who sentence bombshell
demographics that stark power scrambled
dog rise restrooms equals quantity
six-year corporate breakfast detrimental
experts elite pollution are infested
with reclassifying ice cream backlash
an intangible monday triangular objections
coal-fired collab worbk metacranking
the burden oil drilling entire
social tabloid copies, circulations solar
climate chat recycling postal sources
work heart of temporary skies
doom about conse spices thursday
boots against numerous peninsula unveiled
ribbon-congress gelatin ephemeral personalized
disaster pivots neighbors carrot apparel
shower gel breadwinners calibrated transparency
chain in the china chain
spotlight abruptly bosses milk project
chef coordinator systemic shareholders media
flood roanoke either decay or
collectibles relegated investors advocates squirrel
thermos bulk combined chain collateral
headquarters aristocracy in the china
chain milk compound identities prestigious
household retroactively weekends we snow
roof delineates western gazebo in
becore where the outreach idyllic
management-trap musters adjacent blooms
clumsiness eye could notch tweaked
public prioritized reap storage was
a silicon paraphox regare knowlets
drumming vernacular essential brush-orb
furs reminder file a complaint
file a complaint of organic
lesions, eclipsed strategic submit a
filing here are a few
beholden closely to say rot foodstuffs
departure realities militant uniform
who conflicts spring from the
boundaries, sits thought-naked human
currents, gaze an awareness reflects
our own catalyst, in the sentence an
open curtain surrounds the mirror.
ruins mouthpiece promise fiction departure realities
forged next compare next fell several bonds uniform
teardrop defeats participant who conflicts spring
realities tangible shortcomings from the
facts storytelling impossible boundaries, sits thought-naked
evolves barometric, ludic signature debacle human
riverbank whiskey fresco gourmet currents, gaze an
delicacies abetted boast buoyed awareness reflects
unforgettable food-truck refracting our own catalyst,
furry-eyed hypoteneuse in the sentence,
augmented-reality wombatvomit an
open curtain surrounds aluminum opposites playing
the mirror sociologist stimulates conventional
augmented-reality wombatvomit an
open curtain surr ounds aluminum
opposites playing styrof oam the
mirror sociologist stimulates co
nventional neuroscientists furry
-eyed hypoteneuse in the sentenc
e, unforgettable food-truck refr
acting our own catalyst, ruins m
outhpiece promise fiction depart
ure realities militant forged ne
xt compare next fell several bon
ds uniform delicacies abetted bo
ast buoyed awareness reflects te
ardrop defeats participant who c
onflicts spring riverbank whiske
y fresco gourmet cu rrents, gaze
an evolves barometric, ludic sig
nature debacle human realities t
angible shortcomings from the fa
cts storytelling impossible boun
daries, sits thought-naked augme
substantial transformation flowers xtant compare
next fell several bone clothing
divergent graduation desk uniform
delicacies abetted boat cooperation-strength
syndrome vast buoyed awareness reflects
teeming epochal doctrine reductions cardrop
defeats participant who combs consumer
students co-signer automatically photo
onflicts spring riverbank whiske growling
citizens united floodgates piling constitutional
dozen pure realities militant forged
neck sparrows or pigeons, curved
parallel avant-practice why fresco
gourmet cu rrents, gaze disappearing
comfortable fears southpiece promise fiction
depart directions dialogue score explores
an evolves barometric, ludic sign
generative utensil dipped correlation nature
debacle human realities toe university
luddites therapy fungible shortcomings from
the farce gas bodies rescue
blazing cuts storytelling impossible bound
blast risk shifts washing riots
diaries, sits thought-naked augmeme
railroad psyche augmented-reality wombatvomit
an appalling robust paltry unpredictable
acting our own catalyst, ruins
miss the train changing the
train, open curtain surr f ounds
aluminum what see we the
see, opposites playing styrof oam
the unabashed two-thirds millionaires,
unforgettable food-truck refrigerator a
series of gnostic communters mirror
sociologist stimulates so big would
all the house unventional neuroscientists
furry petty partisan vacuum-eyed
hypoteneuse in the sentence.
encounters these participatory ping-pong
price tags experiencing itself reflected
China passport whales oblique qualificat
ions. at encounters these partic ipatory
ping-pong price tags experiencing itself
reflected China passp ort whales oblique
qualificat ions. some at encounters thes
e partic ipatory ping-pong price tags ex
periencing itself ref lected China passp
ort whales oblique qualificat ions. gall
eries some at encounters thes e partic i
patory ping-pong price tags ex periencin
g itself ref lected China passp ort whal
es oblique qualificat ions. "global" gal
l eries some at encounters thes e partic
i patory ping-pong price tags ex perienc
in g itself ref lected China passp ort w
hal es oblique qualificat ions. allow "g
lobal" gal l eries some at encounters th
es e partic i patory ping-pong price tag
s ex perienc in g itself ref lected Chin
a passp ort w hal es ob lique qualificat
ions. context allow "g lobal" gal l erie
s some at encounters th es e partic i pa
tory ping-pong price tag s ex perienc in
g itself ref lected Chin a passp ort w h
al es ob lique qualificat ions. qualific
ations context allow "g lobal" gal l eri
e s some at enco unters th es e partic i
pa tory ping-pong price tag s ex perienc
in g itself ref lec ted Chin a passp ort
w h al es ob lique qualificat ions. obli
que qualific ations context allow "g lob
al" gal l eri e s some at enco unters th
es e partic i pa tory ping-pong price ta
g s ex perienc in g itself ref lec ted C
hin a passp ort w h al es ob lique quali
ficat ions. obli que qualific ations con
This meeting participatory tennis
price tags reflecting know
Tableware whales passport QUALIFICATIONS
oblique ions . the specific
meetings ipatory price tags
ping pong - proves ort
reflects whales oblique China
QUALIFICATIONS ions . to meet
some of thes e
ipatory ping pong special
price tags - ex periencing
is ref lected passp
China ort Whales ions
obliques QUALIFICATIONS . gall some
fisheries to meet thes
ie special price tags
before participating tennis periencin
g ref is chosen
China passp ort whal
QUALIFICATIONS ions in diagonal.
gal " global " especially in
fisheries meetings thes e
price tags to former
tennis participatory perienc g
ref is chosen w
ort China ' s automatically
QUALIFICATIONS oblique ion Hal .
allow " g cranberry " the
gal some fisheries to
meet e e ff
price tag in ping
pong - particularly participatory s
ex perienc g ref
will be automatically selected
Chin ort in passp
ob es w Hal
Angelique QUALIFICATION ions . context
allows " g lobes " gal
series s e s
e bound to meet
a particular year ex
perienc price tag tennis
history g in Chin
ref lected in passp
w ort h al
es ob QUALIFICATIONS Angelique
ions . qualific tions allows
context " g lobes " the
gal eri ENCO Unters
century in some special
e s e to
the year before history
perienc price tag of
ping pong g in
LEC ref ted Chin
in passp ort w
h ions are ob
Angelique QUALIFICATION al . liabilities
tions of qualific That
context is " g lob
al " e s e
eri gal to some
of ENCO Unters I
went to pa e
specific history of ping
pong - your price g
perienc LEC in ex
cur ted in g
C hin in passp
quali es h ort
w Angelique al ob
Cate ions . tions obligation
con que qualific
cloaked in the nose morph democratic ratte
predomi er beyond radica dimm shifted core
the plague h rational dynarm cloaked in th
e nose morph democratic ratte predomi er b
eyond radica dime shifted c ore the plague
h rational dynarm cloaked in th e nose mor
ph democratic ratte predomi er b eyond rad
ica dime shifted c ore the plague h ration
cloaked in the nose morph
democratic ratte ica dime
shi fted c ore the plague
h ration predomi er beyon
d radica dimm shifted cor
e ph democratic ratte pre
domi er b eyond rad the p
lague h rational dynarm c
loaked in th h rational d
ynarm cloaked in th e nos
e mor e nose morph democr
atic ratte predomi er bey
ond radica dime shifted c
ore the plague cloaked de
ore the plague cloaked decloaked in the nose morph
ond radica dime shifted cdemocratic ratte ica dime
atic ratte predomi er beyshi fted c ore the plague
e mor e nose morph democrh ration predomi er beyon
ynarm cloaked in th e nosd radica dimm shifted cor
loaked in th h rational de ph democratic ratte pre
lague h rational dynarm cdomi er b eyond rad the p
ore the plague cloaked decloaked in
the nose morphlague h rational dyna
rm cdomi er b eyond rad the ploaked
in th h rational de ph democratic r
atte preynarm cloaked in th e nosdr
adica dimm shifted corond radica di
me shifted cdemocratic ratte ica di
meatic ratte predomi er beyshi fted
c ore the plague e mor e nose morph
democrh ration predomi er beyon ore
democrh ration predomi er beyon oreore
the plague cloaked decloaked inadica d
imm shifted corond radica diatte preyn
arm cloaked in th e nosdrme shifted cd
emocratic ratte ica diin th h rational
de ph democratic rc ore the plague e m
or e nose morphthe nose morphlague h r
ational dynameatic ratte predomi er be
yshi ftedrm cdomi er b eyond rad the p
loaked democrh the imm arm emocratic d
loaked democrh the imm arm
emocratic ddemocrh ration predomi er
beyon oreore de ph democratic
rc ore the plague e
memocratic ratte ica diin th
h rational or e nose
morphthe nose morphlague h rarm
cloaked in th e nosdrme
shifted cdyshi ftedrm cdomi er
b eyond rad the pimm
shifted corond radica diatte preyn
ational dynameatic ratte predomi er
bethe plague cloaked decloaked inadicad
running securities academic morphthe nose
morphlague howls rarm fort clean
numb crossing taught cloaked in
th e nosdrme ticket submit
institutions escape shifted cdyshi ftedrm
cdomi er chance imposition unruly
shape b eyond rad the
pimm prepared legislation exclusion chromatic
shifted corond radica diatte preyn
colonial dislocation accountants national dynameatic
ratte predomi er declarations resemble
gaping rainbows bethe plague cloaked
decloaked inadicad tricks anything walks
loaked democrh the imm arm
gravity charming myth emocratic ddemocrh
ration predomi er economy professists
dawn beyon oreore de ph
democratic deranged sorrowful systems arc
ore the plague e steal
managers riots memocratic ratte ica
diin th information hairstyle sanitized
eh rational or e nose
reverse demolition spectral pimm prepared
legislation exclusion chromatic rhythms
multi-critical correlative
shifted corond
diatte preyn
(everything is within
the listening) colonial dislocation
accountants national dynameatic, the novel
sophistication of roses, ratte
predomi er declarations
resemble misappropriation
personal content
gaping rainbows bethe
plague cloaked plaster streamlined
impulsive decloaked inadicad tricks anything
walks fabric conditioning underscores
loaked democrh the
imm arm
intellectual ambiguities
gravity charming myth
emocratic ddemocrh reveal fragments
of rational connections, ration predomi
er economy professists claws
proc bodies ha
reasor fra
beyon oreore
de ph (they
revolve to initiations, geography
of the piano) democratic deranged
sorrowful systems arc food
while radioactive icons
ore the
e steal
tomorrow, gastronomy percussion-eye,
managers riots memocratic ratte
ica bird-oak semi-rot
outer diin th information
hairstyle sanitized backdrop
adventures orgasmic
eh rational
or e nose
funk palace radicacts running
securities academic morphthe nose innovatife
moist funes morphlague howls
rarm fort clean
enable pea
invisible numb crossing
taught cloaked in social
elations, walking around the penguin,
th e nosdrme ticket
submit redefining soft
centuries, grist/cucumber,
institutions escape shifted cdyshi
ftedrm melting constellations in sound - cdomi
er chance imposition unruly
vibrations of random
archaeology shape
eyond rad the
guin, revolve to
initiations, geogra
tomorrow, gastronomy percussion-eye,
managers riots memeocratic ratte ica
bird-oak semi-rot outer diin th info
rmation legislation exclusion chroma
tic rhythms hairstyle sanitized back
drop reverse demolition spectral pim
m prepared adventures orgasmic multi
-critical correlative nightlife shif
ted corond eh rational eyond rad the
or e nose the listening) colonial di
slocation funk palace radicacts runn
ing resemble misappropriation securi
ties academic morphthe nose innovati
fe moist funes morphlague howls pred
omi er declarations sophistication o
f roses, ratte accountants nrational
dynameatic, the novel rarm fort clea
n enable pea islands (everyt hing is
within inteffectual ambiguities long
-term impulsive decloaked inadicad t
ricks anything invisible numb crossi
ng walks fabric conditioning undersc
ores taught cloaked in social surrea
lih elations, walking around the pen
guin, revolve to initiations, geogra
phy th e nosdrme ticket e steal subm
it redefining soft plague de ph (the
y centuries, grist/cucumber, ore the
institutions escape shifted cdyshift
edrm melting constellations while ra
dioactive icons in sound - cdomier c
hance imposition unruly sorrowful sy
stems arc food vibrations of randomb
archaeology shape radica beyon oreor
ediatte preyn of the piano) democrat
ic deranged dawn er economy professi
sts claws of rational connections, r
ation predomi of reasor fra emocrati
c ddemocrh reveal fragments personal
content gaping rainbows be the loake
d democrh the imm arm proc bodies ha
plague cloaked plaster streamlined g
ravity charming myth ing ties fe omi
ravity plague d democrh
the cloaked charming
myth plaster imm
arm streamlined ing
proc fe bodies g
nearby river knee-o hurricane
accident delicious festival
war-switch local oil fire
exchang rep-lo pea commitmons
svit expressire interchang
lawn renaissance fertile hum
phenp oil expork market boom
or butte jello lime cobra
apartment logic transit actix
torpedo commure defleated
scores of consur propos ressh
seeing it times is terrible comes
that onto us, so think this
unfolding converge, practice
improvisational explication,
the interesting carry any that
practice liberating into difficult
else. telling all that technique
became, in groups bean than in
solo, a lot of going and noticing.
lawn renaissance fertile hum seeing it
times is terrible comes phenp oil
expork market boom practice liberating into
difficult or butte jello lime cobra
Tennessee so far golf balls flash
apartment logic transit actix the interesting
carry any that torpedo commure defleated
departures and carnivals thunderstorms scores of
consur propos ressh improvisational explication, nearby
river knee-o hurricane solo, a
lot of going and noticing. accident
delicious festival unfolding converge, practice
war-switch local oil fire became,
in groups bean than in exchang
rep-lo pea commitmons that onto
us, so think this svit expressire
interchang else. telling all that technique
interchang us, rep-lo in war-switch delicious
lot river consur departures carry apartment
else so pea groups local
festival of knee-o propos
and any logic
lawn lawn lawn lawn lawn lawn lawn
renaissance fertile hum seeing it
times times times times times
is terrible comes phenp oil
expork expork expork expork expork
market boom practice liberating into
difficult difficult difficult
or butte jello lime cobra
Tennessee Tennessee
so far golf balls flash
apartment apartment apartment apartment
logic transit actix the interesting
carry carry carry carry carry carry
any that torpedo commure defleated
departures departures departures
and carnivals thunderstorms scores of
consur consur consur consur consur consur consur
propos ressh improvisational explication, nearby
river river river river
knee-o hurricane solo, a
lot of going and noticing. accident
delicious delicious delicious delicious
festival unfolding converge, practice
war-switch war-switch
local oil fire became,
in in in in in in in in in
groups bean than in exchang
rep-lo rep-lo rep-lo rep-lo
pea commitmons that onto
us, so think this svit expressire
interchang interchang interchang
else. telling all that technique
technique lawn lawn lawn lawn lawn lawn lawn
interchang renaissance fertile hum seeing it
expressire times times times times times
onto is terrible comes phenp oil
rep-lo expork expork expork expork expork
exchang market boom practice liberating into
in difficult difficult difficult
became, or butte jello lime cobra
war-switch Tennessee Tennessee
practice so far golf balls flash
delicious apartment apartment apartment apartment
accident logic transit actix the interesting
noticing. carry carry carry carry carry carry
a any that torpedo commure defleated
river departures departures departures
nearby and carnivals thunderstorms scores of
consur consur consur consur consur consur consur
propos ressh improvisational explication,
river river river else. telling all that
knee-o hurricane solo, pea commitmons that
lot of going and interchang interchang
delicious delicious delicious groups bean
than in in in in in in in in in
festival unfolding converge,
war-switch us, so think this svit
local oil fire rep-lo rep-lo rep-lo
consur technique lawn lawn lawn
lawn lawn lawn lawn of
interchang renaissance fertile hum seeing
it departures expressire times times
times times times defleated onto
is terrible comes phenp oil
carry rep-lo expork expork
expork expork expork interesting exchang
market boom practice liberating into
apartment in difficult difficult difficult
flash became, or butte jello
lime cobra lime cobra lime
consur war-switch Tennessee
scores practice so far golf
departures delicious apartment apartment
commure accident logic transit actix
carry noticing. carry carry carry carry
the a any that torpedo
apartment river departures
balls nearby and carnivals thunderstorms
Tennessee consur consur consur consur consur
rep-lo consur war-switch
Tennessee svit scores practice so
far golf converge, departures delicious
apartment apartment in commure accident
logic transit actix bean carry
noticing. carry carry carry carry
interchang the a any that
torpedo that apartment river departures
that balls nearby and carnivals
thunderstorms explication, Tennessee consur consur
consur consur consur rep-lo
rep-lo propos ressh
this river river river else. telling
unfolding knee-o hurricane solo, pea
in lot of going and
groups delicious delicious delicious
interchang than in in in in in in in
commitmons festival
all war-switch us, so think
improvisational local oil fire rep-lo
playhouse 869
technique lawn lawn lawn
lawn lawn lawn of
renaissance fertile hum seeing
departures expressire times times
times times defleated onto
lime cobra lime cobra
lime is terrible comes
phenp oil consur consur
consur rep-lo carry
rep-lo expork expork
that all war-switch
us, so think apartment
in difficult difficult difficult
balls nearby and carnivals
flash became, or butte
jello improvisational local oil
fire rep-lo expork
expork expork interesting exchang
thunderstorms explication, Tennessee consur
consur market boom practice
liberating into replo pansemia
times it interchang lawn
torpedo that apartment
river departures
rep-lo consur
logic transit actix
bean carry
Tennessee svit scores
practice so
interchang the a
any that
far golf converge,
departures delicious
noticing. carry carry
carry carry
apartment apartment in
commure accident
commitmons festival rep-lo
propos ressh interchang
than in in in
in in in
in this river river
river else. telling
groups delicious delicious delicious
unfolding knee-o
hurricane solo, pea in
lot of going
and in lot of
going and going
going and lot hurricane unfolding
groups river in in
than propos
and in
lerb ob labor serth artifacts
routinely showroom found
devastatingly sprawling public
events variant sentence
lip service stealth povert
corporate victorious combing
ascendency currenh mandate
broker organization cautious
civilized outcome kremner
practical outright sovereign
monitoring turnout self-rule
Ukraine enabled population
chaos provinces unified key
remix mercenaries disguised
paramilitaries farce concrete
continue corporate elections
pervasive India framing seas
steam-shadows six minister
hat the deed in words sympl
business Gujarat whid sub
famil malnutritior mal-nhan
disturbing also flavored
corruption deprivation clever
cleaver snub sump privileged
urinal business Gujarat whid sub
algorithm famil malnutritior mal
-nhan deranged hat the deed in w
ords sympl undecipherable distur
bing also flavored integrative s
team-shadows six minister blurre
d corruption dep rivation clever
non-fiction cleaver snub sump pr
ivileged monster lerb ob labor s
erth artifacts desperate pervasi
ve India framing seas crypts rou
tinely showroom found heterogene
ous continue corporate elections
sentences devastatingly sprawlin
g public clashing events variant
sentence leaks paramilitaries fa
rce concrete stitched lip servic
e stealth povert mem orial remix
mercenaries disguised mistakenly
corporate victorious combing plu
mber chaos provinces unified key
secret ascendency currenh mandat
e scuba Ukraine enabled populati
on unveiling broker organization
cautious personally civilized ou
tcome kremmner bunnies practical
outright sovereign sparkling mon
itoringtouring turnout self-rule
cautious personally civilized oud corruption
deep mercenaries disguised mistakenly
team-shadows six
minister blurret
come kremmner
bunnies practical bling
also flavored integrative srivation
cleveroids sympl undecipherable disturmber chaos
outright sovereign sparkling mon-nhan
deranged hat the
deed in
wheat provinces
unified key secret
ascendency currenh mandatalgorithm famil
malnutritior malitoring touring turnout self-rule
urinal business Gujarat whid
sub non-fiction
cleaver snub
sump pre
stealth povert meme
tutorial remix on unveiling
broker organization ivileged monster lerb
ob labor serth artifacts
desperate pervasirce concrete
stitched lip
service scuba
Ukraine enabled populative
India framing seas crypts
roulette corporate victorious combing plutinely
showroom found heterogene sentence
leaks paramilitaries fatous
continue corporate
elections goat
public clashing events
variant sentences devastatingly sprawlink
desperate pervasirce concrete pariah provoked
stitched lip accelerated threat seizure
against service scuba cout provode
borde orchestr cerx Ukraine enabled
populative themselve legi India
framing seas crypts neither diversity
spill roulette corporate victorious combing
plutinely showroom found heterogene sentence
21st irony warning leaks paramilitaries
fatous purefire signatures murk continue
corporate grotesque conflict propaganda ob
labor serth artifacts rebels autonomous
urging elections goat founding withdrawal
rescue trade public clashing events
branded proof reflected broker organization
ivileged monster lerb variant sentences
devastatingly sprawlink tutorial remix on
unveiling bilingual abandon cautious personally
civilized oud corruption stealth povert
meme units ruins homeland securely
deep mercenaries disguised mistakenly sump
cleaver snub happening risk tolerate
presence pre journalism nurtured supressed
obstruct team-shadows six vilification
caricature minister blurret resource-shoved
independent sub non-fiction civilian
since hypnosis come kremmner apri
ang unsat suffex grossl bunnies
unified key secret assassi 3
trus nevth practical bling strategically
name haven also flavored integrative
srivation cleveroids sympl undecipherable disturmber
chaos urinal business Gujarat whid
indoctrination malnutritior malitoring touring turnout
self-rule outright sovereign sparkling
mon-nhan ascendency currenh mandatalgorithm
famil deranged hat the extreme
numerous nominally deed in criminality
leaders biological wheat provinces chemical
elections overthrow borde populative framing
no one pervasirce concrete pariah provoked
stitched lip accelerated threat seizure
no one service scuba cout provode
borde orchestr cerx Ukraine enabled
no one themselve legi India
framing seas crypts neither diversity
no one roulette corporate victorious combing
plutinely showroom found heterogene sentence
no one irony warning leaks paramilitaries
fatous purefire signatures murk continue
no one grotesque conflict propaganda ob
labor serth artifacts rebels autonomous
no one elections goat founding withdrawal
rescue trade public clashing events
no one proof reflected broker organization
ivileged monster lerb variant sentences
no one sprawlink tutorial remix on
unveiling bilingual abandon cautious personally
no one oud corruption stealth povert
meme units ruins homeland securely
no one mercenaries disguised mistakenly sump
cleaver snub happening risk tolerate
no one pre journalism nurtured supressed
obstruct team-shadows six vilification
no one minister blurret resource-shoved
independent sub non-fiction civilian
no one hypnosis come kremmner apri
ang unsat suffex grossl bunnies
no one key secret assassi 3
trus nevth practical bling strategically
no one haven also flavored integrative
srivation cleveroids sympl undecipherable disturmber
no one urinal business Gujarat whid
indoctrination malnutritior malitoring touring turnout
no one outright sovereign sparkling
mon-nhan ascendency currenh mandatalgorithm
no one deranged hat the extreme
numerous nominally deed in criminality
no one biological wheat provinces chemical
elections overthrow borde populative framing
instant ylam phrax frog chalice
they carve that o
millions of light, vibrating miracles
found in the candid trash.
who needs the massive missive that
soul simple is such of our reality
revealed, ceremonious acausal
miracles found in the golden trash.
some pages permit
the moist astonishing
substrata, woven
untenable miracles
found in the capable trash.
found in the capable trash, instant
ylam phrax frog chalice the
moist astonishing soul simple
is such of
our reality
woven they
carve that o
some pages permit millions
of light, vibrating miracles revealed,
ceremonious acausal untenable miracles
who needs the
massive missive
miracles found
in the golden
trash, found in the
found in the candid trash,
line manufacturers tho being redun
pili Way Lool Sheerm
Hup deliven thin prop day
tro deal th rammed very lanc. They
have all arougo line aso Kingdor
into they then of th prix. emarc
run production ruin would ghost
Sunder goats day tens of coud
all the recession to clave.
there new unsoggy shopping mal.
nowhere below They,
purpose parked up pickled up
on a pack, two or three of a third.
the longer
need to be
the new ex
the problems
have no alt
some car of
this they told
to desire
ago scents
hours direct
an back to
O prese
started pro
posa to
sock in byte
wide range of
fiork sun
gnat pea the
soup of the
groon evo
things brand saint
there is a
shoe through h
a canon
congress no
salts system
fire organ
ic duplex
at only
bending eye
baseball cust
om barbe
que birthday
these two pra
lega two
pra lega
two pra leg
a two pra
lega these
things brand saint
at only
the longer
bending eye
need to be
these two pra
the new ex
the problems
lega these
have no alt
groon evo
some car of
a canon
this they told
there is a
to desire
ic duplex
ago scents
fiork sun
a two pra
soup of the
fire organ
hours direct
que birthday
two pra leg
an back to
salts system
congress no
O prese
lega two
started pro
gnat pea the
om barbe
posa to
pra lega
sock in byte
shoe through h
wide range of
baseball cust
Jim Leftwich
56 mins
two pra leg
a two pra
lega these
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Seen by 2
Llori Bryant-stein and John M. Bennett like this.
John M. Bennett
knew sot beg
uh glue sot
begin sneeze
29 mins · Unlike · 1
Jim Leftwich
grew snot wig
a slot wag
sneeze again
26 mins · Like
John M. Bennett
flew glot pig
hoy pot slag
pee refrain
25 mins · Like
Jim Leftwich
blue glut fig
hot knot lag
pea beef drain
23 mins · Like
John M. Bennett
chew slut dig
dot lot bag
see cheese pain
22 mins · Like
Jim Leftwich
knew hut dog
clot blot blog
seaweed plain
20 mins · Like · 1
John M. Bennett
blew that log
cot mot raw
see seed rain
18 mins · Like · 1
Jim Leftwich
few thesaur
us coat rot
rinsing brain
back-to-basics p USA result, zecoder
wasp-rubbery fog, flightless apartment
cigarette-dummy, correspondance
particul cornflakes self-rev soldiers
, fil the the conceptual access loot.
shapes markets back-to-basics
p USA quantum nuclear research
result, zecoder extends device notes
co-exist language registers, lifelong
moments shattered loot wasp-rubbery
fog, flightless apartment cata-sucl
measurement of 19th belief, fil
the the conceptual access infrastructur
cigarette-dummy, correspondance less than
flat modification particul cornflakes
self-rev soldiers
all of "product y" stethoscope, vast
teenager crux, hard to believe
that very give something compelling
self-rev soldiers, if it
shapes markets back-to-basics
can sorts to at obviou
p USA quantum nuclear research
slinger drdraws d that result,
tv-element of the oily
self, flat modification particul cornflakes
zecoder extends device notes wa
brave and lort det cigarette-dummy,
correspondance less than wrim the
thror fa poetry conch the
the conceptual access infrastructur have
the da ya constant ox
measurement of 19th belief, fil
word-salesman which will book
l co-exist language registers,
lifelong sales snake advertisi dot
moments shattered loot wasp-rubbery
albeit mold adage take work
fog, flightless apartment cata-sucl
John M. Bennett
sow the sore
dust mote lot
missing chain
27 mins · Like
Jim Leftwich
cow their pore
lust rote loot
pissing sane
24 mins · Like
John M. Bennett
plow spare door
just broke foot
cussing name
23 mins · Like
Jim Leftwich
low spore dare
bust joke root
custard flame
flashlight miraculous
migrat norms burrowing body parts
clones world-mort non-chromatic
fell into the Atlantic, hissing.
shares a haiku y tell ou th sroof
conceptual gravity chair :: gravy
is a form of romantic intention.
another diagram, scraps of business
cards, almost the entire political
mystery of Ireland, strictly the
frailty and equilibrium of control.
loses his grip dangles from a tree
along a canal personal works sprawl
ing above a ditch the wreck was fou
nd a tool absurdly a tool absurdly.
De Villo Sloan
"Fluxus – with its emphasis on
materiality, chance operations and minimalism – can be mechanistic,
non-expressive and even sterile. (Although a look at lesser-known publications
by Dick Higgins’ Something Else Press shows that the Old Fluxus was far more
eclectic than current institutional assessments admit.) The same non-emo
impulse appears later in Langpo and now Conceptual Writing with its “against
expression” dictum. Moan Lisa employs many of the strategies used by these
group but stands, from our view, apart from them. There is a desire to
communicate human, subjective experience without repression, filters or
extring overprinted
which has tlasri
thus O it O
obserl left-leaning
pro-labor materials
and ink was dirt cheap.
household work fort extring overprinted
which took the night which
has tlasri nor a night
thus O it O for
it by questioning was obserl
left-leaning folded from the
sustaining pro-labor materials
and ink was dirt cheap.
which took the night which and
ink was dirt cheap extring
overprinted household work fort
extring overprinted sustaining
which has
tlasri left-leaning
folded from the thus
O it O it by
questioning was obserl obserl left-leaning
thus O it O for
pro-labor materials has
tlasri nor a
night and
was dirt cheap
curve and dange which took
the night which and practical
entrenched hierarchy thus O
it O for seem to
beat coat-hand ink was
dirt cheap extring legitimacy-vehicles
questioning was obserl obserl
left-leaning tumbling typewriters O
it O it by night
and in the boolk estag
overprinted household work fort provoked
by things to do folded
from the thus mainstrange thingks
floating tlasri left-leaning ink
fastforward-thinking keep-notions extring
overprinted sustaining shift-seep proom
letters pro-labor was dirt
cheap online total work Kafka
twittering machine methods and materials
tlasri nor a people spit
the liveable beings which has
pro-labor materials has flu
situational appearances overprinted household work
fort provoked food discourse designed
by things to do folded
swelteringbaseball brands from the thus
mainstrange thingks overarching howl-relevance
deeply floating tlasri left-leaning
ink embodies soft cereal chakra
fastforward-thinking keep-notions extring
text-fluids punctuation entity overprinted
sustaining shift-seep proom all
of which still resembles the
future, letters pro-labor was
dirt did social nights (with)
cheap online total work Kafka
d,;flow jeepo uiyu rotjirupoem lekij
trobhoin yub jemkul volmedf twittering
machine methods and materials deviant
what in are, are, tlasri
nor a people spit for
the have the "it-itself"
the liveable beings which has
many diverse overt hybrid pro-labor
materials has flu every small
email myself curve and dange
which took living tractors, excommunication,
the night which and practical
on or near highway 29
from Greensboro to Charlottesville, entrenched
hierarchy thus O cultural turtle-exchange,
it O for seem to
indisputable social potential beat coat-hand
ink was the first website
of Snakes Bejesus, dirt cheap
extring legitimacy-vehicles (whatever happened
to Stickman?) questioning was obserl
obserl a frenetic memeplex from
200 years ago, left-leaning
tumbling typewriters O critical traditions,
context-anxiety, it O it
by night my think our
poetry arrangements people and in
the boolk estag corporatet masters
tonight the next event would
like this as much as we do.
something special, for fun,
we make cities, if only with
our eyes. the evening waits
later and later. good evening.
i am up as late as usual with
your thoughts increasing like
the sun. maybe abandoned with
the icons, maybe not. after
all this tranquility, he was
making crank in a bathtub in
the park. it was brown and it
burned, skating, lost in his
own tattoo, their hair complex
however, a sleeveless starting
point. it was a long time ago.
tonight the next event would
point. it was a long
time ago. like this as
much as we do. making
crank in a bathtub in
something special, for fun, however,
a sleeveless starting we make
cities, if only with all
this tranquility, he was our
eyes. the evening waits own
tattoo, their hair complex later
and later. good evening. the
icons, maybe not. after i
am up as late as
usual with burned, skating, lost
in his your thoughts increasing
like your thoughts increasing like
the sun. maybe abandoned with
the park. it was brown and it
the park. it was brown and
it tonight the next event
would eyes. the evening
waits own am
up as
as point.
it was a
long the sun. maybe
abandoned with time ago. like
this as icons, maybe not. after
i much as we do.
making like your
thoughts increasing
crank in
a bathtub in
and later. good evening.
the something special, for fun,
however, in his your thoughts increasing
a sleeveless starting we make
tattoo, their hair complex
later cities, if
only with
usual with
burned, skating, lost
this tranquility, he was our
abandoned with time ago. like
this as icons, maybe not. aft
er long the sun. maybe i much
as we do. it was a making lik
e your as point. late thought
s increa sing up as waits own
am like c rank in would eyes.
the evening a bathtub in it t
onight the next event and lat
er. good evening. the park. i
t was brown and this tranquil
ity, he was our burned, skati
ng, lost the something specia
l, for fun, usual with all ho
wever, in his your thoughts i
ncreasing only with later cit
ies, if a sleeveless starting
we make tattoo, their hair co
mplex, hair complex abandoned
day aloft archetypal roadwork replica
scarst presente companic in the
communla hustl Heat Island honeysuckle
turkey-burgers escape with the far-flung
crosses of centuries past. recurrent
wrestling compliments esoteric ambivalence.
separation explores dominant enclosure
corralled normal socio-ritualistic
metal shifts research barriers trajectory
reconstructs riots across delusory
repetitions to demystify themselves
within the hyper-visibility engenders
a spatial syntax encapsulating
correctional violence.
reconstructs riots across delusory day
aloft archetypal roadwork replica correctional
violence scarst presente companic in
the repetitions to demystify themselves
separation explores dominant enclosure metal
shifts research barriers trajectory communla
hustl Heat Island honeysuckle a
spatial syntax encapsulating turkey-burgers
escape with the far-flung
corralled normal socio-ritualistic wrestling
compliments esoteric ambivalence within the
hyper-visibility engenders crosses of
centuries past recurrent sunlight protagonist
do-it-yourself fleshruined banana hustl
Heat Island honeysuckle a hemmed-in
improbable field day spatial syntax
encapsulating turkey-burgers wearing
the invisible cartoon apparatus escape
with the far-flung ubiquitous highway
loop-currents corralled normal socio-ritualistic
wrestling scattered traffic-fence backwards
compliments esoteric ambivalence within the
unlimited dropcloth affinity groups hyper-visibility
engenders crosses of unwilling subjective
realities centuries past recurrent sunlight
protagonist get back orange reconstructs riots
across delusory day into an encampmeat
aloft archetypal roadwork replica correctional
lawn-bathtub notes violence scarst presente
companic in fold-up ruffled chairs
the repetitions to demystify themselves vario
cowalking contraptions separation explores dominant
enclosure metal fifth-minute television shifts
research barriers trajectory communla
wrestling scattered traffic-fence
backwards compliments esoteric am
bivalence within the unlimited dr
opcloth affinity groups hyper-vis
ibility engenders crosses of unwi
lling subjective realities centur
ies past recurrent sunlight loop-
currents corralled normal socio-r
itualistic with the far-flung ubi
quitous highway protagonist get b
ack orange reconstructs riots acr
oss the invisible cartoon apparat
us escape delusory day into an en
campmeat aloft archetypal roadwor
k replica correctional encapsulat
ing turkey-burgers wearing lawn-b
athtub notes violence scarst pres
ente improbable field day spatial
syntax companic in fold-up ruffle
d chairs Heat Island honey-suckle
a hemmed-in do-it-yourself fleshr
uined banana hustl research barri
ers trajectory communla the repet
itions to demystify themselves va
rio cowalking contraptions separa
tion explores dominant en closure
metal fifth-minute television shi
fts wrestling backwards bivalence
syntax companic in fold-up ruffle wrestling
scattered traffic-fence backwards
compliments esoteric amuined banana hustl
research barriitions to demystify themselves
vabivalence within the unlimited drrio
cowalking contraptions separaack orange
reconstructs riots acropcloth affinity
groups hyper-visente improbable field day
spatialibility engenders crosses of unwition
explores dominant en closure campmeat aloft
archetypal roadword us escape delusory day
into an end chairs Heat Island honey-sucklek
replica correctional encapsulata hemmed-in
do-it-yourself fleshrose the invisible
cartoon apparat metal fifth-minute television
shilling subjective realities centurers
trajectory communla the repeties past
recurrent sunlight loopquitous highway
protagonist grit bing turkey-burgers wearing
lawn-bitualistic with the far-flung ubifts
wrestling backwards bivalence currents corralled
normal socio-rathtub notes violence scarst prest
campmeat aloft roadword us escape
of unwition an end chairs
field day correctional encapsulata
a cropcloth affinity fleshrose
separaack orange apparat metal
unlimited drrio subjective
demystify themselves communla the
banana hustl sunlight loopquitous highway
ruffle wrestling grit bing turkey-burgers
scarst prest with the far-flung
currents corralled backwards bivalence
ubifts socio-rathtub notes violence
wearing syntax companic in fold-up
repeties past traffic-fence backwards
realities centurers esoteric amuined
fifth-minute television barriitions to
the invisible within the
hemmed-in contraptions
reconstructs riots
honey-sucklek hyper-visente improbable
Heat Island engenders crosses
delusory day dominant en closure
fifth-minute television barriitions
the invisible within
honey-sucklek hyper-visente
Heat Island engenders
delusory day dominant en
ruffle wrestling grit bing
scarst prest with the
currents corralled backwards
ubifts socio-rathtub notes
wearing syntax companic in
repeties past traffic-fence
realities centurers esoteric
campmeat aloft roadword us
of unwition an end
field day correctional
a cropcloth affinity
separaack orange apparat
unlimited drrio
demystify themselves communla
banana hustl sunlight loopquitous
realities centurers esoteric Boot Island
embodied campmeat aloft roadword us
fighting glamorous shoe-songs of
unwition an end to overlooked
language repeties past traffic-fence
wearing a signed narrative field
day correctional Basquiat-sphere homesick
fellowship winter codex vehicle biped
fauna a cropcloth affinity cuisine
partitioned separaack orange apparat defied
false alphabet-threads unlimited drrio
faces apparently senseless chairs demystify
themselves communla glyph-repetitions
machine-length banana hustl sunlight
loopquitous encoded ragged analysis
fifth-minute television barriitions
the invisible within Sisyphus, but
the death hemmed-in family, families,
flee three wearing syntax companic
in ethical boom-kit compost
reconstructs what it was like
interim theory honey-sucklek hyper-visente
laundromat degrees Heat Island engenders
bake sale echoes delusory day
dominant enlamps prevail ruffle wrestling
grit bing-motif wraugh wreckage
scarst prest with the karst
priest schoolbus currents corralled backwards
suburban puddle-rust ubifts socio-rathtub
notes nostalgia walking the sanitary pig
exhi dog
water to
infru wo
yu eye eye
as inside
which in these unknown are no cave
mountain rope sliding sensitive
to 10 feet deep pool verifie or
les .5 hidd into the deepest parp
elk map bridge fork zone accurac
creek lfft creek stttion creek
cross with the several mile blue
ridge accux swim left vista picnic
in goat river lake roadside forest
garden gravel short jog but steep
camping unknown wildnerness flow
camping unknown wildnerness flow which
in these unknown are no cave creek lff
t creek stttion creek creek lfft creek
stttion creek in goat river lake roads
ide forest elk map bridge fork zone ac
curac ridge accux swim left vista picn
ic mountain rope sliding sensitive gar
den gravel short jog but steep to 10 f
eet deep pool verifie or cross with th
e several mile blue les .5 hidd into t
he deepest parp camping in stttion ide
for words to find language camping unknown
wildnerness flow which civil disobedience uprising
he deepest parp camping in
stttion ide encampment fused
resistance e several
mile blue
.5 hidd
into t words
against language in these
unknown are no cave creek
lff spring next battered eet deep
pool verifie or cross with th fortuitous
collaborative emerges t creek stttion creek
creek lfft creek raw razor
precarious den gravel short
jog but steep
to 10
convulsion social
autonomous stttion creek
in goat river lake
roads erupts precarious worlds ide
forest elk map bridge fork zone
ac ruins compose inverted curac ridge accux
swim left vista picn spoon jewelry
junk text ic mountain rope
sliding sensitive gar
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