E. Murphy
authors-text blog 02
west hartford ct
© 2014 Sheila E. Murphy
Legislate the whole mint ball
of wax, impress
Upon our story line the gift of cache
I smell grass stain where you worked
All morning cyclical once dry
Now dew impresses a bandwagon
Heaped with thunder residue I’m falling
Into headfirst hardship rapidly the
Salt facts lease novitium economizing
White with sorghum not far by the wayside
Withholding thus regarded a dismissal flight
Erases sightlines even furniture about to be
Hand morphed as lane
Change on a mockingbird’s effete new
Ceiling space where blister white sells for
A big increase the sales twirl wrinkly in
Gray linen seeming white sun batting down
The thought of moisture
Fit for registers with cash in them still
Wait for me, a dried chimera safely through
League in force a form of pain that’s duly
Cyclical and vague impressionable so flown
It departs from paying attention, ripens the
Objective inference in case you are not
Smudge infiltrates more than surfaces
For now at least the copious soprano section
Migrates left of sworn integrity the main
The altimeter shown lengthwise in a diagram at
Coffee happens in carafes if you are married
What kind of ink are we inviting to the text
Linemen squeal aggravation (points of fate
Skeletal embryo afar fielding the question
Of imperatives alongside brisk tempt catch
Phrase loud in court, explain how tact
Resists infraction, watch and learn why not
Wild yam, a soak, a twill, a song the sweet
Pearl of surroundings confiscates indulgence
Configurato stales beyond the slot
Aligned, a gismo might entrap the likes
Of me, line 1 imperatives break out in
Song, a breakout group, a pail of
Lateral discomfort in the meantime, why
Have you become a decoration, breath
Streams alongside hastening a sullen
Part of giving up the smoke, refractive
Aligns itself with many morning scaffolds
Placed in park
Theoretical block walls escape the feeling
Of indulgence, tell me what the league
Of infants has not said about a pawn
Of commerce, fate and branching numerals
As far from stasis as the long shot of
Infernal pageantry, commandments
Waive more than requirements of grain
To disengage a forecast bromide
Tactfully with reason on the brain
With fault lines patterned after conifers
I’m tired of going back and forth with
You when we so clearly disagree
It’s time to space the levity the downtime
The integrity, the rush of stoics
Out of land we once claimed
Major and played onefully against
The cervix of a minor key and why not
Malted sequins, fractal page, the way
We feel about ourselves not moving anymore
Spatular lift, what’s wanted, what is
Wanted levels what is high along the scale
Of glyph leaflets to maze across traffic
And consternation, naval base, encarta
Jam fortuitous and bland, cold wage
Earned in sleep alert to change, a
Partial daffodil encapsulates tumult, puts
It up for sale of ways and means, rifling
Through preeminence, cold water wash,
News channel booms in my angelic back seat
Face, would you be willing to demand of
Me my safe brash lightweight
Singularity, straight lines webbed become
A web, a cubic nest, what do they
from me, a deck chair, row on
Row encapsulates the only semi-
Circular indifference I know, support
Is lazy session jammed in to the quark
Here come
corrugated children in a stew
A camisole
appears, rhymed words
Sand traps,
painted purple loaves
Into the
taste test
forgotten the fingering for lost tones
Disguised as
Strung on a
lumen line
Attached to
Why wait for
chess games to ensue
Gnarled chorelines cabbage their way lawnward
Tones practically drown the silver crutch
A musical entirely prone to gracing
Advice poems with stately froth
Showing weather numbered
Seven floorcased spots of oneness
Practices, knowledge leaves
Jobbed delicatessens known by chance
White downsister venison
Twist of lime dries on the edges of a
Moods rearrange their stubborn wingside
State of quiet of mental crime
Removed once to entire blasphemity
Serene as washed weighs twice
More than what jauntifies
Melisma on your dime
My time all crimsoned with the brash
Transparent sendpoint jitters plant life
A mist arrives against the planetary skin
Whose malted is this situation standard
Skimming rendezvous placed squarely
In a roundly sentenced strum
Yon wasted nest of simmering blood scars
Rumaki-phone anoints a wing song
On the dreadful treadmill
Leavened with a bounty of some scape on sea
I could sit here with my wit on hold
And thrash away the symptomatic violence
The arduous curled triumph dotes on dulcet
Remaining wings as taken roll
For the appendages reviving stakes of
Narration cranes its neck with figurative ploys
Decidedly on time
A bray leans quiet close to white
Is this the telltale haste of delicately
fracased chart
Distance safes whatever it is essence
Look up at the mirror thoroughly
Un-fidgeting a superimposition
Stretched to mean some feel good furnishings
As every whole becomes a frame
For a philosophy
Descending order croons fine wisdom
Substituting for another finery
No wine here just mood
Hardbound leaves free lapsing continents
With boxcars full of plywood, piccolos, flake
Stretching exercise presumed into a catalogue
Of icicles and candor telepathically intact
The team king sounds per usual bombastic
Bloated with belief in dipping in to
For whetted appetistic louvered scents
With Vegas soap connected though disjointed
Reel to reel indifference
The screen with all but three lines
Strewn around the kettle near
The Nettled waste of space
Distraction of mosaic viabilities
Nothing more than witness can derange
Bass instruments ever the low ball standing
Lane change grapevine clothing summer
As inspection formed on Goth materials
Wrong triads close to slumber
Filled in blank and tabled with the wind lace
As a singular disjunction
Mooned and tiding over
Flounce woven to failsafe dental majesty
As if she stapled truth to fervor
And dismantled faith
Homemade as four bits
Given over to the lamp
The latex and the stun gun
Spitshine’s not only reasonable
The central heating unit cost has given in
To reciprocity of skateboard and young steam
Relinquishing the sotto in each voice
Surprisingly indelible
Sweet heartfully delivered as ex parte troth
Contrasting golden starch slow heals mythic
Outside skirting the home phone
Laps of quality contralto spinning
Sad strong stamen lily pools
Misunderstand the palsied sense of leaf
Defunct injunctions weather some stalled
Load factoid that trumps surprise
Adorning wheat co patterned after
Stuttered speech
The noble latticework of spun
Stalled grace lest we be
Clear enough to denigrate our sun
From talk comes glide
A patron passes trump surprise
With veins you could adorn I guess
What seemed to be co-felt
As patterned grace still stutters falsely past
Unless we nobly sun ourselves
With yet pink wings under some glass
Made violet awhile
To house the drink and blinking
A rough cut of derangement
Show of hands bursts through the what-if
Tracking systole tracing loiter craft to take
Bait to the croon shire versus ranting
In the groin fallen to razored
Length and say-so parked astride performance
Where it follows instinct
How do projects lately start
Without a formula within a formula left whole
The plinkdom often fasts
Break variegated harbor canned breath
Deep down cloistering the empty
Out of block attention held
Hostage in situation lithograph
To purse our slipshod lip service
The neighbors know mid flow
How come inamorata finger F-sharp
When the chorus turns to sponge
You have something good to bring
He’s hard to hear let go
For loathing’s sake your pulchritude
Each lore events its way toward
Rim shot incandescent sustenance
The Pinkerton beneath the eye
Inflames a novel built to prep concurrency
A silkworm in the fray still nabs each
Quibbling noon time fever
In the plural drive
The slice goes whoooom and spackles heat
Its motherful enlistment priested
Glass talks walled-in warm wait
Weevil pursed alliance plenty trained
No-go elastic fatherhood entombs
Its way out of the fault lines
Pressured to exist
In mind our empty (very) heart
Contour lifts the arch of slowly upbeat
Sentences near-termed
Concussion in the confluence
Of ordered families
Thought broth, telltale droppings
Not dissimilar to sinecure
A mantra, episodic such points
Manifest in six packs draining summer
Afternoons as sleep clear surface near the
Page one war crimes lift our short attention
From lanky enemies conspicuous disjunction
Through the durable new premise
Made of ink and car parts
In the form of plus signs row on row
Waste water silt and periscope
The utile front run bell
Made whole pre-savings in the balance
Of off shore divided into chapters
Given over to the taffeta our unimportance
Can’t be retro-duced, nor should it
Own a shred of ingrown in-fill rife with meth
And sundry blood lines made of
Patch and clay pones scored
By handsome swarthy scientists
Who languish mid-semester where
The hammock swings so fine
You might make dust motes out of tuba breath
Satisphere like hemp jumpropes
Olfactory rendition of the copyist
Who winters upon grammar’s pinched
How will I know you when we’re both gone
Window shopping’s very like fill dirt
A top hat navigation soon to flow
Row homes vocal with shamanic
Fracas amid tonal fog
The limp quest of a couch with aunts upon it
Waiting for my car, my
breath, my say-
So to return, it’s glassy here, our
Midst, crowded with supple stains and
Crouching doily disregard for pumice
And the wicked putter of these trace
Tracks underneath my eyes, charting
(Tiny) evidence in place of long
Wind threatening to be brandished palpably
Instead of yanked out of the cauldron
For extinction
Flow forward, lapse then, tie a slip
Of string around your thumb and hitch
Back to the hiked-up skirt that fits
He’s on the phone from the Midwest with
Some semantics stuck between mentation
And delivery, I am anything but fallow
In my forties, champions dry their
Hands on glee, do you, think what
I’m thinking, this robust apparency
Impaled on stalks one after the next
Chance feels anything but hasty
Fact: I
buy commodities apart from
Promises for which I know the fingerings
Most disappointments have yet to be
Released pan-fried with tame, exacting light
Triune latex film agonistes
Pray laxing very monthlong sacral bread
More than you value in the unglued
Staggerance who knew how rough at long last
Faithwalk limns as if the surface
Were the whole, intact accidental
Sophistry remakes the fuel line
Out of secrets anything but stained by
Real blood out of hand, to wit
The stumbling lethargy removes
A have-to
as we wait derailed by
Nominative patience judgments pretty
Summary, offer to sell entitled to a share
Vincent glovebox learned to lie
We petted vacancies galore with him
Enunciating a bass clarinet parsed
Votive stray things you might mossify
Drop-in one-load fluency with meat hooks
To remind us all of the explosives tasted
With being dead on practice with our curls
Rapidly changing into rarified
Last gasps and sundry
Everyone says bees are
Swilling in a herd a tempo,
Riced the way we fortran them
As immigrants raging to shore
Imagine petulance in bodied form
All midnight long symptoms of daylight
Threatening to parse our fears
Into a template’s given plaster
Moved where we would move it
In a row
I think I know you not a little yet
The very sting of all this pluck commands me
From a top-down gestural
Perspective virtually including downtime
And just a little water dripped onto
The page that I am writing in my
Little book, the piped-in music rattles
Like true background, two men
Sit across performing recitations, not
Here is how the perfect (waltz to sleep,
I savor you, I brawl, the catastrophic
Morning after morning comes to
Salty grips with sadness any old
And swivel hips and down time
(Come to me, the elements all
Slightly sieve through polymer
And clank in pain for something
Seasonally adjusted and not working
Now that I am warned with little food
I lapse into a formed unframed in
Cushion of bliss with you around me
All inside and touching the soul’s
Quick mind and piercelessly
My thought only of you, of joinage
To the very hip top
To extract vernacular where it might
Fit to the form as it’s evolving
Let a little of the sun be struck by
Poverty we live inside and out,
Squalls hibernate in careful
Surroundings made by mind and
Fence by hand the very treasure-
Ness of shoulder after crowns
Me with deluxe inherency of
Why don’t you malt away
In here beside me, make us
Meridia fight
stealth because our betters
priorities, last but not
Limited, we
prey upon their silk wish
And their
osprey where it hurts
To venally
recast the stalled
Rotation of
our Everest where
Spring once
had leads back
To winter
clothes and sharecropped
Virtue if the
nuns relinquish how we’re clad
Often it is dark again I am becoming
Less afraid of opposites attract
As the hegemony in fact a
rich wherever
Fountaining against the backboard
Of indulgence multiplied by six or more
Resistance of the worn sleigh brag feel
Of encomium as if it were enough
To have been bred longhand
As one of us continues into slate gray
Transitory morning